Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • ABC of SAST, DAST, and why use them both?

    ABC of SAST, DAST, and why use them both?

    The differences between SAST and DAST include where they run in the development cycle and what kinds of vulnerabilities they find. Learn why you need both.

  • How to use a VPN to avoid sports blackouts?

    How to use a VPN to avoid sports blackouts?

    Sports blackouts have been long existing. They prevent sporting events from being shown by a media hub per shareholder agreements. It results from a contract between the content owners and the broadcasting company. When a…

  • 5 promotional items that are actually useful for office workers

    5 promotional items that are actually useful for office workers

    Distribution of promotional products is a great way to get more brand recognition and remind consumers and potential clients what you can do. The right item promotes customer retention and loyalty, generates leads, boosts your…

  • What is the difference between blog and website?

    What is the difference between blog and website?

    Did you ever wonder about the difference between a blog and a Website? Usually, people think that if they are surfing the net, they are on a website. But there are some major differences between…

  • How to speed up your website?

    How to speed up your website?

    Obviously having a slow-loading website will prevent people from staying on your site. If it takes longer than 4 seconds to load a page, many people will leave. Not only will speeding up your site…

  • Ways To Streamline Manufacturing Operations

    Ways To Streamline Manufacturing Operations

    Many manufacturers continuously look for ways to streamline manufacturing operations. After all, time saved means money saved when running a business. Managing the operations of a manufacturing company isn’t the same as managing a typical…

  • The framework of business workflow mapping

    The framework of business workflow mapping

    Business workflow mapping is a methodology for understanding, improving, automating, and managing how an organization conducts its business. It enables organizations to standardize the way processes work across functional lines. It creates clear visibility of…

  • How Can SEO Help Your Business Grow?

    How Can SEO Help Your Business Grow?

    SEO is the shorter form of Search Engine Optimization. It is where aspects of a website are changed in accordance with energizing a higher posting position in the search engines. This calibrating is done to…

  • How SEO changed in the last few years

    How SEO changed in the last few years

    In terms of updates and innovation, SEO is one of the leaders on the web Through regular algorithm changes, Google makes SEO a much more rewarding experience for those who own blogs-websites and makes it…

  • 8 reasons why a timeline infographic creator is so important for your business

    8 reasons why a timeline infographic creator is so important for your business

    Most people have never even heard of the word timeline infographic, what it means and how important they are. If you want your business to gain more exposure in an overcrowded world, you need to…

  • How to start investing in art?

    How to start investing in art?

    There are plenty of good reasons major corporations like Deutsche Bank, UBS, and JP Morgan Chase have a curator who works on their private art collection. For example, the UBS art collection includes 35,000 pieces,…

  • How to choose an investment platform?

    How to choose an investment platform?

    Your work should bring a well-deserved income. But not only work can serve as a source of your income. You can make your money operate for you. This mechanism is called passive income. You invest…