Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • How to be productive when working from home?

    How to be productive when working from home?

    Working from home comes with some amazing perks: slide out of bed, enjoy a relaxing breakfast while reading the paper and taking the morning headlines, and saunter over to your home office. Yes, it is as good as it sounds. And that, is just the problem. At home you’re comfortable, familiar and easily distracted. Working […]

  • Nginx Redirection Non-www to www and www to Non-www

    Nginx Redirection Non-www to www and www to Non-www

    Sometime we will need to redirect the main non www to www, or the vice versa, www to non www url. This Nginx Redirection is useful if you need to avoid duplicate contents in your Search Engine Optimization methods because Google consider a site with www and non-www two different sites. So on Nginx we can […]

  • 8 Questions You Should Ask to a Potential Business Partner

    8 Questions You Should Ask to a Potential Business Partner

    We cannot do everything ourselves and this applies to business sometimes. It is impossible for one person to possess all the necessary skills that come in to the picture when one decides to set up a business. This is why sometimes we need to rope in other people as partners. Potential business partners are all […]

  • Why business partnerships fail?

    Why business partnerships fail?

    Sometimes the rocky path of entrepreneurship is best taken with a partner by your side. Many a time, even if you find one or a few partners who share your vision things might not exactly work out. Here is a look at 7 reasons why your business partnership might not be working: 1. You don’t […]

  • How To Pull an HTTP Response Code in Google Sheet?

    How To Pull an HTTP Response Code in Google Sheet?

    Google Sheet is one of the amazing and free online spreadsheet program that can be used for almost anything about calculations. In this blog post, I am going to share how to pull an HTTP Response code in Google Sheet. This might be helpful if you wanted to see HTTP Status code of multiple website […]

  • Useful guidelines for a cheap web hosting solution

    Useful guidelines for a cheap web hosting solution

    Cheap Web Hosting solution is an important issue that needs a sincere and quality approach to take the decision. As there are lots of service providers, the identification of the right kind of reliable web host is always a brain storming task. It is even more critical because of tons of information with promises and […]

  • How to Setup 301 Redirect in Nginx?

    How to Setup 301 Redirect in Nginx?

    301 redirect is very easy to setup if we are using Apache webserver, usually we do it via editing the .htaccess file, however if we switched to Nginx webserver then we will find that the old .htaccess 301 trick doesn’t work here. So, here is how to apply a 301 redirect in Nginx? It is almost as easy […]

  • Remove Microsoft User Data from Documents Folder in Mac

    Remove Microsoft User Data from Documents Folder in Mac

    The “Microsoft User Data” folder is created in your Documents folder when you install Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac. It will always be there no matter how many times you try and delete it. It will be automatically recreated every time you open Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. If you like to store and arrange folders in […]

  • How to Show User’s Library Folder on macOS?

    How to Show User’s Library Folder on macOS?

    On macOS (Lion /Mountain Lion/Yosemite) the default setting is to hide the user Library folder, probably to stop people from deleting or damaging files that are necessary for macOS to run properly. However, user library folder is required for some reason sometime, so here is how to unhide or show user library folder on macOS and also how […]

  • How to find the right tax consultant?

    How to find the right tax consultant?

    Taxation is simple yet the most difficult things to deal with, there are just so many inclusions and exclusions that are bound to confuse anyone. But, the government from time to time tries to simplify the process. Let’s decode the taxation process step by filing, and tips to find the right consultant. Where to look […]

  • Increase Website’s Revenue with Affiliate Marketing

    Increase Website’s Revenue with Affiliate Marketing

    That means that you have to be one of the first to implement new advertising concepts and techniques. The following article contains just a handful of the most proven affiliate marketing strategies. If you perform especially well for a particular company, ask for a raise. If you are able to generate sales and are able […]