Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Microblogging

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Microblogging

    For all those who still haven’t discovered the art and beauty of microblogging, let’s clear the air. Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows users to write brief text updates and publish them publically…

  • 10 benefits of having a blog

    10 benefits of having a blog

    Are you thinking about creating a blog? Do you need work, money or exposure? Do you like writing or do you have a passion? Today we are going to talk about some benefits of having…

  • How to handle business from all the odds?

    How to handle business from all the odds?

    Ideal security measures to handle cyber crime, and dealing with it… Cybercrimes are on the rise, and cybersecurity solutions are growing alongside in order to combat new threats almost daily. In fact, securing your company from…

  • 50+ Crucial WordPress Website Maintenance Checklist [Infographic]

    50+ Crucial WordPress Website Maintenance Checklist [Infographic]

    One of the most crucial tasks of running a website is its maintenance. Without proper maintenance, your website will start losing out on potential traffic as well as ranking due to poor site speed, security…

  • How to Advertise Your Cafe on Facebook?

    How to Advertise Your Cafe on Facebook?

    If you run or own a cafe, creating a Facebook page should be one of the first steps in building that all-important online presence required to be a successful business in this day and age.…

  • Windows 10 Has Added an Anti-Cheat System for Gaming Called TruePlay

    Windows 10 Has Added an Anti-Cheat System for Gaming Called TruePlay

    Microsoft recently released Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, we don’t see any major changes in the update but one thing caught our mind that is “Anti-Cheat System” called “TruePlay”. Microsoft explaines… Games which are enrolled…

  • Reaper Botnet Targets IoT Devices: Infects One Million Organizations Worldwide

    Reaper Botnet Targets IoT Devices: Infects One Million Organizations Worldwide

    According to a security firm named Check Point, there is a new Mirai like IoT Malware named Reaper or IoTroop, could be used to launch a massive DDoS attack. Their study also shows that the…

  • Avoid these common self-employment traps

    Avoid these common self-employment traps

    Everyone dreams of a lucrative career of the self-employed person, but not everyone realizes how many obstacles and difficulties are on the way to your own business. Entrepreneurs are people with inborn talent and strong…

  • 10 highly profitable automobile business ideas

    10 highly profitable automobile business ideas

    If cars are your passion, then the automobile industry has a lot to offer in terms of setting up a profitable independent business enterprise. While some of these ventures may require sufficient investment and basic…

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Tin Can API

    A Beginner’s Guide to Tin Can API

    For everyone who is just starting to get to know more about e-learning, it could be a difficult to catch on to the terminology and understand everything clearly. The standards in e-learning are essential to…

  • 6 Biggest Problems With Social Media

    6 Biggest Problems With Social Media

    The social media revolution we faced several years ago made it easier than ever before to stay in touch with friends and family. In just a blink of seconds we can connect and interact with…

  • 5 Drivers of Success Inherent to Any Web Development Project

    5 Drivers of Success Inherent to Any Web Development Project

    Why some sites are astonishing while others stay so difficult to use and not attractive? Why one project meets timelines and launches successfully while others miss all deadlines? Answer is not about amount of money…