Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • The IoT Applications and its Influence on Cybersecurity

    The IoT Applications and its Influence on Cybersecurity

    The IoT is the next revolution in tech world that changed the way we live; the creation smart homes, connected transport system, intelligent energy systems and even it is changing our perceptions of sport. but,…

  • How to Start a Blog without a Budget and Start Earning within a Week?

    How to Start a Blog without a Budget and Start Earning within a Week?

    Starting a blog is a dream come-true for those of us who want to express opinions, ideas, and educate people while still staying at home and having personal freedom –including the option of working in…

  • 10 strategies to boost your business success

    10 strategies to boost your business success

    According to a recent report, one out of every three adults prefers to start up his own business instead of working for someone as an employee. Unfortunately, a lot of new startups don’t even see…

  • GST Tax Rules: The Government’s Mission to Eliminate IT Glitches

    GST Tax Rules: The Government’s Mission to Eliminate IT Glitches

    Since the beginning of the Goods and Services Tax Act, the regime has been revolving around a lot of complexities. From the hectic return filing mechanisms to problematic tax calculations, the regime has been extremely…

  • Freelance Writing Niches: That You May Not Have Considered Yet!

    Freelance Writing Niches: That You May Not Have Considered Yet!

    Choosing your writing niche as a freelance writer is never easy. There are so many different niches out there that it can be difficult to know where to begin or even to be fully aware…

  • Shopify Gold: Your answer to enterprise eCommerce in India

    Shopify Gold: Your answer to enterprise eCommerce in India

    Over the past few years, India has shown an exponential growth curve in the digital marketing sector. Not only are there new companies and websites coming out every other day, but many brands have also…

  • How to Do Social Selling? The Right Way

    How to Do Social Selling? The Right Way

    It’s a well-known fact that social media is widely used by consumers around the globe today. And you also know that most brands have taken to social media to improve their branding and drive more…

  • Google is Shutting Down its URL Shortener Service

    Google is Shutting Down its URL Shortener Service

    Back in 2009, Google launched its URL shortener service to enable users sharing and keeping track of click analytics. In very short time span it becomes a popular URL shortener service like or…

  • 10 Trends in Email Marketing in 2018

    10 Trends in Email Marketing in 2018

    It is not a secret that emailing is one of the most popular digital marketing instruments, and if used smartly, it can help you reach your customers in no time. The most important thing you…

  • Successful Blog Writing Tips: A Bookmarkable Formula

    Successful Blog Writing Tips: A Bookmarkable Formula

    Grab a cup ‘o Joe, boot up your computer and let’s knock out that first article for your new blog. Since you are starting out new, we want to ensure that you do not start…

  • Best text editors for MacOS: How to choose a programming editor?

    Best text editors for MacOS: How to choose a programming editor?

    Which text editor is best for MacOS? This question is asked by both beginners and those who have been engaged in web development already for a long time. There is always something new, customer requirements…

  • How to protect your blog content from copyright infringement?

    How to protect your blog content from copyright infringement?

    So, you’ve got a great blog running, and you’re posting top-notch content and including some high-quality images. Most often, your worry will be: will people read and enjoy this? However, there is also another thing…