Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • How to Source New Content Ideas?

    How to Source New Content Ideas?

    Okay, for all you aspiring content marketers out there, or for those of you want to promote your blog or business or product or service via content marketing, let’s talk a little bit more about…

  • How to become a better, faster, and more efficient writer?

    How to become a better, faster, and more efficient writer?

    Being a blogger, who writes more than 2000 words daily, can say that it is not that difficult to be a faster and better writer. I never attended any typing class, never joined any language…

  • How to remove jQuery Migrate from WordPress?

    How to remove jQuery Migrate from WordPress?

    When it comes to website optimization, even an additional request matters a lot, especially when users are accessing it from the mobile platform. jQuery is the biggest javascript file that is loaded alongside your theme.…

  • WhatsApp to Roll Out New Group Calling Feature

    WhatsApp to Roll Out New Group Calling Feature

    Is it safe to say that WhatsApp rules the world of communication? It is a yes for us. What started as a seamless messaging app is now a social media platform with amazing features such…

  • What do you need to know to succeed as a blogger?

    What do you need to know to succeed as a blogger?

    Blogging is something (almost) anyone can accomplish by acquiring the right habits and following a clear goal. Success as a blogger (really, success in anything) boils down to instilling in yourself and in your daily…

  • How To Check Nginx Version?

    How To Check Nginx Version?

    If we’ve installed Nginx web server application and wanted to know what version of Nginx is installed in the system, then it is simple to retrieve the version of Nginx by calling the Nginx binary…

  • How to Avoid the Depression Caused by Repeated Failure?

    How to Avoid the Depression Caused by Repeated Failure?

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the concept of moving up in life, not by getting bigger house, better car, better pay-check, prettier family, etc. But moving up in life by pushing forward, continually, to improve…

  • How to Deal with Disruptions That Interrupt Your Productive Routines?

    How to Deal with Disruptions That Interrupt Your Productive Routines?

    You’ve established a set of habits and they serve you well. When you stick to them, as you do most of the time, they keep you moving forward. You make progress, reach goals, meet deadlines,…

  • 7 SEO Tools to Outrank Competitors

    7 SEO Tools to Outrank Competitors

    Understanding the nitty-gritty of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can prove to be a challenging task, especially for beginners; who just stepped in to this new industry. Choosing the right tools for the right job is…

  • Digital Marketing Tips – Grow Your Business Online

    Digital Marketing Tips – Grow Your Business Online

    Thousands of startups are registered every single day all around the world. Therefore, it is important for you, being the brilliant businessperson that you are, to find ways of gaining the upper hand over your…

  • How to Deal with Tech Support Scammers?

    How to Deal with Tech Support Scammers?

    According to the Union Government of India, less than 1 percent of the population speak English as their first language. And truly it is not discrimination when reflecting on the pandemonium of the foreign accent…

  • How Does Income Tax System Work in India?

    How Does Income Tax System Work in India?

    The income tax system has been founded by the Government of India just like every other country. It is a tax system levied on the earning population of the country, and is based on their…