Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • How to View Facebook Messages without Installing the Messenger App

    How to View Facebook Messages without Installing the Messenger App

    The mobile version of Facebook is kind of scary and Facebook manages to make two different apps, one for regular feed and another one just for messaging. While asking so many permissions like allow access…

  • How to Choose the Best Hosting Company?

    How to Choose the Best Hosting Company?

    Today the Internet plays a very important role in the life of almost every person. We use it to chat, to work, to learn, to relax every day and as a result it influences our…

  • How Much Does Web Development Cost?

    How Much Does Web Development Cost?

    The cost of web development varies significantly from country to country across the globe. If you ask how much does it cost to hire a web developer, it will be very difficult to answer without…

  • The Benefits of Robots Lending Government a Helping Hand

    The Benefits of Robots Lending Government a Helping Hand

    While popular culture is typically taking futuristic ideas to the extreme, robotics as well as the depiction of robots is no exception. For decades now, robots have been the staples of science fiction. More often…

  • 15 essential qualities for success

    15 essential qualities for success

    What do you think, what should we do to find or develop within us to be successful? Some will say, look at those who had created success in various fields. From far it sounds simple,…

  • 15 Friendship Quotes and Sayings for Besties

    15 Friendship Quotes and Sayings for Besties

    Friendship is all about finding the right Yin to Yang, maybe Yin to Yin or it could be Yang to Yang. Doesn’t matter what to what, but one thing is sure, life is better with…

  • Most Common Data Backup and Recovery Mistakes: How to Avoid Them?

    Most Common Data Backup and Recovery Mistakes: How to Avoid Them?

    Data is crucial when it comes to efficient business administration, and we used to put in a lot of money and efforts into a database storing and up keeping. However, when it comes to backing…

  • GDPR compliance checklist

    GDPR compliance checklist

    Getting done with GDPR compliance shouldn’t be a struggle for businesses. It is a new rule which should be adopted by all the organizations processing users’ personal information. Since the latest data privacy law has…

  • What are the best backup strategies?

    What are the best backup strategies?

    For backups, everyone uses some sort of solution. However, even with the best data backup solutions for your business, there can be moments of tension for when disaster strikes. Everyone wants to be as prepared…

  • How To Grow Your Online Business? 10 Main Rules To Follow

    How To Grow Your Online Business? 10 Main Rules To Follow

    Ecommerce is among the most exploding businesses in the present world according to business forecast indications. Therefore, it is high time that startups need to establish their online stocks. There are various techniques for nurturing…

  • Blogging Starter Pack: 5 Steps to Begin

    Blogging Starter Pack: 5 Steps to Begin

    Blogging is one of the most fun things you can possibly ever venture into. What makes it so great is the fact that you’re free to become whoever you want – take on whichever persona…

  • 5 awesome ways entrepreneurs can finance their own business ideas

    5 awesome ways entrepreneurs can finance their own business ideas

    Today’s world of business definitely needs young entrepreneurs who are going to bring new ideas into the field, create jobs, easily get familiarized with modern tech, and make up a fierce competition. However, no one…