Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • How to Improve Your Business Writing?

    How to Improve Your Business Writing?

    How many times have you received a company memorandum so insipid that you could not manage to make it beyond the first three sentences? Now that you are a business owner or in charge of…

  • 3 Ways to Boost Your Company’s Profits

    3 Ways to Boost Your Company’s Profits

    Whether your business is struggling or you are trying to take your business to the next level, making more profit is the best way to get the capital you need. But, instead of putting your…

  • How to professionally deal with a bad boss?

    How to professionally deal with a bad boss?

    What do you do if you have a bad boss? A little difficult question to answer, right? I’ve been led by about 7 – 8 of bosses so far. If you count their bosses, I…

  • How to Divide Your Work into its Major Areas?

    How to Divide Your Work into its Major Areas?

    I was struggling recently with trying to get a grasp on, or overview of, the work I do. You’d think I know it pretty well, eh? After all: it is MY work. But, like many…

  • Reasons Not to Invite Investors Back to Your Home Office

    Reasons Not to Invite Investors Back to Your Home Office

    There’s nothing unusual about home-based businesses anymore. More people than ever are now operating this way. In large part, that’s thanks to the capabilities of online operations. Anyone can now sit in their home office…

  • Guide Your Team to Success in Business

    Guide Your Team to Success in Business

    Creating a successful business requires leadership skills. People focus on entrepreneurship as if running a company is a solo operation, but even home-run businesses rely on other people (e.g. clients) for their success. A true…

  • Ninja Productivity Move: Maintenance Mode

    Ninja Productivity Move: Maintenance Mode

    When you want to make progress in one area, you need to focus more of your attention and time on it. But you can’t let the rest of your life slide completely, eh? Enter the…

  • 5 Habits To Grow a Positive Attitude Towards Life?

    5 Habits To Grow a Positive Attitude Towards Life?

    Becoming a more positive and productive person is all about making simple, significant changes in your habits. Sound too much like a New Year’s resolution that’s doomed to fail? It’s not. You don’t need to…

  • Sort Your Tasks and Do the Weak Ones Last

    Sort Your Tasks and Do the Weak Ones Last

    I have a list. On the list are the things I need to do today. Some of the things are the things I’m really good at, which comprise the bulk and the core of the…

  • How Machine Learning is Remodelling eCommerce?

    How Machine Learning is Remodelling eCommerce?

    The eCommerce industry is a multi-billion dollar marketplace that only Amazon seems to understand. Why is it that Amazon dominates the marketplace? While does only Alibaba even come close to Amazon’s success? The answer lies…

  • What is Your Real Ideal Day? Don’t Be Fooled by Imitations

    What is Your Real Ideal Day? Don’t Be Fooled by Imitations

    Sometimes we get so busy working, going, doing, that we kind of forget why. Dragging Around Dead Weight Productivity for the sake of productivity is a terrible waste of a life. There is no real…

  • 6 Predictions Likely to Be True for the Future of Salesforce

    6 Predictions Likely to Be True for the Future of Salesforce

    It is human nature to keep thinking about the future. In case you are worried or are enthusiastic about the future of Salesforce then my dear friend, you have landed at the right place. This…