When you access a website, what is loaded first in a webpage?
The browser loads the HTML file [Document Object Model (DOM)] at first.

The browser starts to load the external resources from top to bottom, line by line. Several elements load in a specific order, typically following this sequence:
HTML #Document Object Model (in short, DOM)
→ JavaScript
→ Fonts (webfonts)
→ Images and Media
→ External Resources
HTML: The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) file of the webpage is the first thing that loads. It provides the basic structure and content of the webpage.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files, if linked externally or embedded within the HTML, are then loaded. CSS defines the visual presentation and layout of the webpage, including fonts, colors, spacing, and more. For better performance, try to load most of the static CSS in a file and only inline dynamic ones. If the site is using too much CSS codes; minimize the CSS code using this minification tool.
JavaScript: JavaScript files, both external and embedded, are loaded next. JavaScript is responsible for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to the webpage, such as animations, form validation, and AJAX requests. For better performance, load large static codes in a file and only inline dynamic JavaScript.
Fonts: If custom fonts are used on the webpage, they are typically loaded next. This ensures that text appears correctly with the intended fonts. Leverage CDN (Content Delivery Network) or a fast hosting servers to load fonts. You can even use fallback system in your codes, that will help you to reduce the white screen.
Read this helpful content – ensure text remains visible during webfont load.
Images and Media: Images, videos, and other media files referenced in the HTML and CSS are loaded after the structural and styling elements. These assets can include logos, background images, thumbnails, and more.
External Resources: Any external resources, such as third-party scripts, APIs, or plugins, are loaded after the core components of the webpage. This can include analytics scripts, social media widgets, or embedded videos from third-party websites.
Try to async them whichever needed and defer the most slowest-unwanted ones.
This loading sequence is designed to ensure that the essential components required for rendering and displaying the webpage are prioritized, allowing the user to start interacting with the content as soon as possible while other assets continue to load in the background without waiting the visitor on loading page.
Proper optimization techniques, such as minimizing file sizes and leveraging caching mechanisms, can help improve overall loading times and user experience.
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