Advantages and disadvantages of BLDC fan

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BLDC (Brush Less Direct Current) motor fans are making buzz in the electronic market as it hardly consumes electricity like three times less energy compared to normal fans and delivers better air even in low voltage issues. In rural areas this fan is more suitable as voltage fluctuation is high.

BLDC fan

Simply you can run 2-3 BLDC fans in energy consumption of single normal fan.

Importance of BLDC fan in day to day life.

Fans are an integral part of every individual’s life irrespective of weather as we can turn it run fast and slow using regulators. But we do not realise that normal fans run for hours and consumes more units of electricity than a refrigerator. If we look in total consumption of energy, the major contribution to our electricity costs would be fans only. That’s why we should replace normal fans with BLDC.

  • BLDC fans consume less electricity energy (like 25-35 watts at max speed). It consumes 65% low current compared to an induction motor fan. Also when run on lower speeds it consumes less than an LED bulb like 5 or 10 watts.
  • BLDC motor runs on low current so can run longer on solar, regular, and inverters.
  • They operate on a remote control that promotes luxury and comfort hand-in-hand. It also eliminates the need and installation of separate regulator on the switch board.
  • BLDC fans provide a comfort zone by facilitating timer and sleep mode as functions.

If you are looking to buy a new fan for your home consider BLDC fan technology once and make a test run to understand the benefits of it over a normal fan. But every new technology has some advantages and disadvantages, so lets check them out:

Advantages of BLDC fan.

  • Traditional ceiling fans run on AC motors. Yet, fans with BLDC technology use brushless DC engines that cut power consumption by 65% with PF (Power Factor) 1 which is the most efficient one. Usually normal fans have PF of 0.80 or less.
  • BLDC winding has thick copper cables to ensure a longer lifespan with low winding issues. Since these fans do not get overheated it has better life.
  • The carbon brushes are absent from the rotor and the stator of the BLDC fan. Hence, there is no hidden maintenance cost involved in the replacement of brushes.
  • BLDC fans maintain high torque to secure high-quality performance.
  • An induction motor has carbon bruises that create friction, which creates noise. A BLDC fan has zero friction, hence creating minimal noise.
  • BLDC motors comprise electronic control systems. That promotes fewer possibilities of collapse because of wear and tear. An induction motor fan has a mechanical commutation unit.

Disadvantages of BLDC fan.

  • The BLDC technology is new to fans, and it is difficult to find an experienced technician to install it. But in coming days when more and more people use it, this issue will be sorted out easily.
  • BLDC fans are expensive compared to an induction motor fan. But economies of scale will make it cheaper very soon as more people will buy it seeing benefits.
  • BLDC motor has complicated wiring to install. Because of the presence of an electronic control unit that links to electromagnets. But thanks to PCB (Printed Circuit Board) technology we are only limited to plus and minus wire rest is automatically controlled by circuit board. Even PCBs are itself cheaper to buy and replace when found faulty.

So, these are some of the advantages and disadvantages of BLDC fan. If you have any suggestion or query about this fan technology do let us know in the comment section below.

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